Celebrate your birthday with your friends at the MIM and turn this day into an unforgettable adventure! Whatever the formula, music will be at the heart of the party: treasure hunt, stories, play music together, listening and trying out instruments are the ingredients for a memorable experience!
ages 6 - 9

Turning 6, 7, 8 or 9? Then MIMomagicus, the magical conductor's baton, will take you and your friends to see the instruments of the orchestra.
Musical world tour
Ages 10 - 12

If you turn 10, 11 or 12, you will travel around the world within the museum walls! Playing instruments, listening to music and stories, making music together or create your own instrument: it will be a fun, exciting and musical Happy Birthday!
Eating cake and opening gifts are possible afterwards in the picnic area. Please note: candles are not allowed in the museum.
Price: € 150 (all-in: guide, tickets for max. 15 children + 1 free supervisor who has to stay with the group and a gift)
Time: 120 min
You can only book a birthday party via this reservation form.
For further information you can contact us from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00 or by email.
Practical guide for parents