Some 1200 instruments are on display in the galleries, but over 8000 more are stored in reserves. In these stockrooms all instruments are arranged systematically, perfectly protected from dust and light. As in the galleries, the air conditioning keeps humidity and temperature at constant levels.
Under current law, the patrimony of the mim is inalienable. Pieces from the collection cannot be sold or given away. An important consequence is that the site must always be extended. This is an ongoing challenge for mim. Besides the local reserves there is already a warehouse in Brussels used to...
Some 1200 instruments are on display in the galleries, but over 8000 more are stored in reserves. In these stockrooms all instruments are arranged systematically, perfectly protected from dust and light. As in the galleries, the air conditioning keeps humidity and temperature at constant levels.
Under current law, the patrimony of the mim is inalienable. Pieces from the collection cannot be sold or given away. An important consequence is that the site must always be extended. This is an ongoing challenge for mim. Besides the local reserves there is already a warehouse in Brussels used to store organs, harmoniums, electric and electronic instruments and a large part of the piano collection.
All instruments are itemised in a central inventory. The inventory is not only a museological document, but also a legal and administrative one. The inventory establishes the property of the mim, and may be invoked as a legal document if anything is lost or stolen.